13-14/10/14 - 2014 Ramau conferences - Management of architectural and urban settings in an age of sustainable development : practices, changes and challenges

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Following the study days dedicated to “architectural and town planning professions faced with the involvement of residents and users” in 2012 and “sustainable town planning and architecture know-how and models” in 2013, the aim of the Ramau 2014 conferences is to concentrate on the relations between sustainability and “management” in the field of urban development and architecture. The incorporation of sustainable development in architectural, urban and landscaping operations seems to have the effect of increasing the concern for management logic in the project process.

13 and 14 October 2014, Paris, Grande Arche de La Défense

The fields traditionally assigned to management, such as budgets (investments, consumption) and rental or residential relationships, are becoming increasingly complex due to the growing interest shown in the environment. In parallel, there is a move towards new challenges, particularly that of understanding the relevance of projects in view of repeated in situ adjustments between the expectations of recipients and the services provided by the built or developed environment. These preoccupations lead to increased questioning concerning the “performance”, “profitability” and even “relevance” of projects. The way in which to imagine “residents”, “users” or “final users” and to then invite them to give their opinion or jointly construct projects has become a major challenge for qualified stakeholders. Within this context, in what ways are the skills, trades, practices and organization of stakeholder systems developing ? How are users and managers associated ? How important is the anticipatory management of the various spatial and technical systems during the project (whether new or renovation works), particularly during the design phase ? How is management organized following the delivery of the buildings or other developed spaces ? Have evaluations of the systems been incorporated and how ? All questions that the Ramau Conference attempts to focus on.

Programme : RAMAU